Post-doctoral researcher

History Department

Lund Univeristy

Forschung und Projekte

Derzeitige Position(en)

Post-doctoral research, Department of History, Lund University, Sweden

Aktuelle(s) Projekt(e)

The growing phenomenon of long-distance nationalism, funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

Frühere Position(en)

Research project leader, Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
PhD student, SWPS University, Warsaw



The mobilisation? Pulaski Policy Papers, 2022, October. Source:

Kaliningrad Oblast closer to its ever-distant masters. Pulaski Policy Papers, 2022, September. Source:

Why the Danish Opt-out Referendum Sets the Right Course for Central Europe. Lossi 36, 2022, July. Source:

Colonialism and trauma in Central and Eastern Europe. New Eastern Europe, 2022, July. Source:
Il Baltico torna strategico [The Baltic Torn Strategically]. Limes, 2022, June, pp. 93-99 (in Italian).

Bornholm, Russia and the politics of memory. Lossi 36, 2022, May. Source:
Polonia e Ukraina. Storie contro [Poland and Ukraine. A counter-story]. Limes, 2022, March, pp. 129-138 (in Italian).

Skoki z „Mazowsza” i rower wodny. Ucieczki na Bornholm z komunistycznej Polski [Jumps from Mazowsze and a pedalo. Escapes to Bornholm from communist Poland]. Przegląd Bałtycki, 2022, January. Source:,skoki-z-mazowsza-i-rower-wodny-ucieczki-na-bornholm-z-komunistycznej-polski.html (in Polish).

Novgorod, violence and Russian political culture. New Eastern Europe, 2021, November-December, no. 6 (XLIX), pp. 91-98.

Trzy czwarte rosyjskości. 75 lat obwodu kaliningradzkiego [Three fourths of Russianness. 75 years of Kaliningrad Oblast]. Przegląd Bałtycki, 2021, July. Source:,trzy-czwarte-rosyjskosci-75-lat-obwodu-kaliningradzkiego.html (in Polish).

Streamlining soft power. New Eastern Europe, 2021, June-August, no. 4 (XLVII), pp. 69-74.

La Polonia è occidente [Poland Is West]. Limes, 2020, October (in Italian).

La Polonia fa il tifo per la piazza [Poland Supports the Square]. Limes, 2020, September. Source: (in Italian).

Kaliningrad's first million. New Eastern Europe, 2020, April-May, no. 3 (XLI), pp. 55-61.

Kant’s Future: Debates about the Identity of Kaliningrad Oblast. Slavic Review, vol. 77, no. 4 (Winter 2018), pp. 937-956.

Subjects of the Empress. Wider Context of Regional History Education on East Prussia and Identity Processes in Contemporary Kaliningrad Oblast. Sprawy Narodowościowe, no. 50 (2018).

L’Oder-Neiße non è più una trincea [The Oder-Neiße Is No Longer a Trench]. Limes, 2019, January. Source: (in Italian).

Nazionale e filoatlantica, L’Europa di Macron vista da Varsavia [National and Philo-Atlantic. The Europe of Macron as Seen from Warsaw]. Limes, 2018, no. 3, pp. 147-152 (in Italian).

Antirusso perché filoeuropeo: Il Trimarium secondo Varsavia [Anti-Russian because Pro-European: the Trimarium according to Warsaw]. Limes, 2017, no. 12, pp. 91-98 (in Italian).

East of the South: Malta and the Post-Soviet Space. New Eastern Europe, 2017, no. 2, pp. 112-117.

National and Regional Identity in Kaliningrad Oblast from the Cross-border Perspective. Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review, 2015, no. 34, pp. 109-134.
The Riddle of Kaliningrad. New Eastern Europe, 2015,no. 1, pp. 57-64.

Pierwsze lata istnienia obwodu kaliningradzkiego a problem kształtowania się tożsamości jego mieszkańców [The First Years of Existence of Kaliningrad Oblast and the Problem of Identity of Its Population]. Adeptus, 2014, no. 3, pp. 72-86 (in Polish).

Tożsamość mieszkańców obwodu kaliningradzkiego a rola półeksklawy w polityce bezpieczeństwa Federacji Rosyjskiej [Identity of Kaliningrad Oblast’s Inhabitants and Role of the Semi-Exclave in Russia’s Security Policy]. Śmiałek, W. (ed.) (2014). Bezpieczeństwo w polskiej polityce zagranicznej [Security in the Polish Foreign Policy]. Warszawa: Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, pp. 26-38 (in Polish).

Z Kaliningradu na Кёнигсберг – zapotrzebowanie społeczne czy marzenie nielicznych? Społeczna inicjatywa zmiany nazwy miasta [From Kaliningrad to Кёнигсберг – a Social Need or a Dream of the Few? Social Initiative of Renaming the City]. Sprawy Narodowościowe, no. 43 (2013), pp. 131-141 (in Polish).

Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie w białoruskich podręcznikach historycznych a białoruska tożsamość narodowa w polityce władz Republiki [Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Belarusian National Identity from the Perspective of the policies of the Republic's authoreities]. Kozimala, I., & Królikowska, A., & Topij-Stempińska, B. (2013). Dziedzictwo Kresów. Nauka i Edukacja [The Legacy of Kresy. Science and Education]. Kraków: Akademia Ignatianum, pp. 65-79 (in Polish).

Cross-Border Co-operation between the Kaliningrad Oblast and Poland in the Context of Polish-Russian Relations in 2004–2011. Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review, 2012, no. 28, pp. 11-42.

Mikrokosmos z innej perspektywy: Wileńszczyzna w oczach Polaków osiadłych tam w minionym 20-leciu. Uwagi do badań nad zagadnieniem [Microcosm As Seen from a Different Perspective. The Vilnius Region in the Eyes of Poles Who Settled There in Last 20 Years. Remarks on the Topic]. Dębicki, M., Makaro, J. (eds.) (2012). Sąsiedztwa III RP – Lenkija, Litwa, Polska, Lietuva. Zagadnienia społeczne [The Neighbours of the Third Polish Commonwealth – Lenkija, Lithuania, Poland, Lietuva. Societal Matters]. Wrocław: Gajt, pp. 164-177 (in Polish).

Nowe rozdanie? Związki wyznaniowe w niepodległej Białorusi [A New Opening? Religious Associations in Independent Belarus]. Bortnowska, K. (ed.) (2012). Wschód oczami młodych. Rosja, Białoruś, Ukraina [The East Seen by the Youth. Russia, Ukraine, Belarus].Warszawa: Katedra Białorutenistyki UW, pp. 65-75 (in Polish).

Kukułcze jajo wersalskiej Europy: Kłajpeda w latach 1918-1923 [The cuckoo’s Nest of the Versailles Europe: Klaipeda in 1918-1923]. Mówią wieki, 2012, no. 6, pp. 22-27 (in Polish).

Pytanie o własną tożsamość: Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie w szkolnych podręcznikach do historii w Republice Białoruś [A Question about One’s Own Identity: the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in Belarusian History Textbooks]. Wiadomości Historyczne, 2012, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 20-28 (in Polish).

Rowery w Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej [Bicycles in the Second Polish Commonwealth]. Mówią Wieki, 2011, no. 7 (618), pp. 32-37 (in Polish).

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